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What is the right Unic model for my needs, for today and tomorrow?
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There are two versions of Super Automatic models. With a super automatic model, just choose the drink you want, and the machine will grind, tamp, brew, and steam milk for you from the touch screen selection or with an auto steam wand for the milk portion.
The 1 Step that produces drinks from the touch of a drink selection on the screen's keypad for both espresso and milk-based drinks like Cappuccino & Cafe Lattes. This model needs a cold milk source, and the completed drink comes through the dispensing head.
The 2 steps where the coffee comes from a drink selection on the keypad for espresso through the dispensing head and the milk is steamed in a pitcher with an automatic steam wand.
Picking the best super automatic espresso machine for your particular business is a detailed process. There are several aspects you should consider, such as the following topics: Models' production per Hr., From Medium, Medium Heavy-, and Heavy-duty service.
Restaurants serving 6 or 8 oz. cups at table service have different volume needs then coffee shops or cafes that serve larger to go cup sizes of 12, 16 & 20 oz. need more power for higher volume of milk steaming
Your budget
Your employees’ experience.
Your drink menu
Your drink volume,
Medium - Heavy Duty Solo-270 espresso, 180 cappuccino drinks per Hr. Medal Brew Group, 80mm burrs, 5,000 to 6,000 watts. 6.5-liter boiler, 1 brew groups.2 Steam wands,
Heavy -X Heavey Duty Duo -440 espresso, 220 cappuccino drinks per Hr. Medal Brew Group, 80mm burrs, 5,000 to 6,000 watts. 2 x 6.5-liter boiler, 2 brew groups.2 Steam wands,