
We have a complete line of Commercial & Home grinders.

Grinders are a very important part of making an ok, good or great espresso.

There are two main families of grinders. The Dozer that you need to pre grind a predetermine amount of coffee to cover the adjustable dozer fingers that provide a pre-set amount of coffee when pulling a side lever into the espresso machine portafilter. with 1 pull for a single, 2 pulls for a double shot. This model grinder when set for a single gives more coffee then needed when you pull for a double. Less coffee is normally needed for a double then a single. The other more consistent for each is an On Demand or Electronic Ginder that grinds the beans fresh direct into the portafilter, that you can set the proper amount of coffee for, based on the basket size needed to match the volume of water desired for a single or a double shot. Each of these grinders have either FLAT or Conical burrs of different size mm. Size of Burrs is very important for several reasons. The larger the burr diameter normally the faster the set amount of coffee is delivered into the portafilter based on the same RPM and the cooler the burrs run keeping the coffee taste from having a burnet taste and more consistent.  Both type of grinders come in 2 different types of grinder adjustments. A stepped and a stepless or Vario. The Vario model provides a more refined grind setting were the stepped has clicks that your grinder setting goes between a pre-selected finer or courser grind. There are two different types of these. One is an adjusting a collar below the hopper and the other is a worm gear with a knob on the side or top of the grinder. The worm gear adjustable normally provide a more refined adjustment and are easier to adjust. 

The size and type of burr and the RPM have much to do with the amount of ground coffee the grinder produces in a given time frame of seconds, and how hot the burrs can get while they are grinding coffee and how long or how many lb. of coffee they can grind before needing to be replaced. Too hot a burr from grinding friction will burn your coffee and downgrade a change in the coffee taste.  Some grinders have fans that help to cool the burrs and drive motor so that they do not become too hot and burn the coffee while grinding in busy applications like a coffee house. or busy restaurant. The larger the flat burr the cooler it runs at busy times and longer they last. Conical burrs have more grinding surface and run at a slower RPM therefore run cooler than flat burr grinders. A coffee shop generally needs a larger burr grinder & larger motor then a restaurant or home. The quality of the steel used and the pression of the burr blades and or coating with titanium provide the degree of uniform particle size and the longevity of the burr set. The designee of the burr chamber helps in providing the amount of retention of coffee left behind.

Titanium coated and red dot last much lunger then standard steal burrs. Some grinders have a diamond dust coating providing much longer life and no rust from a wet bean. 

Some grinders grind by weight (GBW) grinder provide more consistent coffee weight shot after shot, a good grinder should be with in a gram weight up or down, each time it grinds.

Investing in a good grinder is never a waste of money when it comes to getting the most out of your coffee selection and espresso machine. as well as having longer life to the burrs and drive motor before replacing to a new one. 

There is a new family of grinders that grind by weight rather than time. They are more expensive and are in demand by the most disseminating baristas.

Commercial Espresso Grinders

A high-quality grinder is an absolute must-have at any serious restaurant or cafe serving premium espresso. They provide the grind quality and volume that allow commercial facilities to thrive. 

How to choose a grinder?

While there are many different brands of grinders in today's market, we recommend you choose a grinder based on three important factors:

  • Burrs Size
  • Burr Shape
  • Motor Power
  • Delivery system
  • Easy to clean Burr chamber 

Burr Size

Burr size may be the easiest way to explain the difference between grinders. In general, the bigger the burr size, the better (meaning the more cutting area available). A greater diameter burr means that for any quantity of beans, there will be fewer rotations of the burr set to grind them thoroughly. This leads to a faster dose of ground coffee and a quick result (not via rapid spin). When talking about espresso grinders, faster usually means cooler. The quicker the grinder, the more rapid the dose, the less chance for static electricity to build between the grinds, which leads to clumping, uneven distribution and inevitably, channeling.

Burr Shape

The burr shape often goes hand in hand with the burr size, as conical burr grinders have far more cutting surface than a flat burr for the same given diameter. Also, they can spin slower, as they do not rely on centrifugal force to dispense the grounds: gravity takes on that load. Burr shape is somewhat up to personal preference. 

  • Conical burr grinders can create more "fines" than flat burr grinders. "Fines" are smaller coffee particles that dissolve more quickly in the cup - bringing out the lighter, more floral flavors. 

  • The flat burr grinders tend to have a more uniform particle size which allows the coffee particles to extract at a more consistent rate. This absorption lends itself to a more balanced, traditional type of espresso. 

Conical burr grinders retain fewer grounds in the burr set - as they rely on gravity to "clear" them. This can certainly affect the taste, as flat burr grinders - which rely on centrifugal force, will retain grounds in the burr set once the spinning stops.

Motor Size

Motor power is straightforward. Big motors = big power = better espresso.


Ready to Assist You 24/7

Prior to completing your purchase, feel free to reach out to our dedicated team at our toll-free helpline: (866) 711-3456 or (973) 687-5090.

Our team of experts is readily available to assist you in selecting the ideal machine and configurations that align perfectly with your requirements and budgetary considerations.

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